McMahon Jobs Plan to Help More Celebrate Labor Day


Date: Aug. 3, 2012
Location: North Haven, CT

Republican U.S. Senate nominee Linda McMahon released the following statement today in recognition of Labor Day:

"As citizens across the United States pause to recognize Labor Day and honor the productivity and economic contributions of American workers, it is important to remember the over 160,000 people right here in Connecticut who don't have a reason to celebrate due to their lack of employment. At 8.5%, Connecticut's unemployment rate is now higher than the current U.S. rate of 8.3%.

"What makes America the greatest country on Earth is the unlimited potential for each citizen to prosper from the fruits of his or her own labor, live the American Dream, and know that their children and grandchildren will have a chance for even greater opportunities than they have had. Unfortunately, right now those ideals are out of reach for too many Americans.

"America must do better at creating an environment that will allow the American Dream to thrive once again. That's why I have put forth a comprehensive, detailed jobs plan as the centerpiece of my campaign for the United States Senate.

"My proposed middle-class tax cut would lower the current 25% tax bracket to 15% for a large portion of American taxpayers and would allow a family of four making $125,000 a year to have roughly $500 a month in additional expendable income. I believe the best way to create more jobs is to put more money in the pockets of individuals and families who will spend it and increase demand for products and services. Along with provisions to make American companies more competitive, cut burdensome regulation, get reckless government spending under control, provide private sector job training, and increase American energy production, my jobs plan is exactly what is needed to put America back to work.

I look forward to the opportunity to serve the people of Connecticut in the U.S. Senate. I pledge to do everything I can to make Labor Day a celebration for more Connecticut families if I am given the chance to represent them in Washington."
